Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Production Update

At 14:50 to 15:05 today I managed to take pictures from two of my scenes. These scenes were when the audience first sees Jimmy and Sadie’s relationship and when Jimmy is being bullied by Jerome and Burdine. I believe this shoot when extremely well.

To begin with I had to choose where I wanted these scenes to take place and I, with help from my actors, decided to use the sixth form common room as there was a lot of space as well as the fact that no other students were in there therefore we could all concentrate on the task ahead and getting these scenes completely finished and ready to edit.  

I started by taking pictures of the scene where Jimmy is getting bullied by Jerome and Burdine. My initial idea was to have Jerome (George) and Burdine (Holly) walk past Jimmy (Oliver) and whilst walking past him Jerome would push Jimmy so that his folders and books fell out of his arms however I decided to still do this but add on a sequence where Jerome slams Jimmy up against the school cabinets before walking away. This was because it was not clear that Jerome is pushing the folders out of Jimmy’s arms and from this new idea it is extremely clear that Jimmy is being bullied.

Following on from this, I did originally suffer with one problem which was my timing of taking the pictures. When Jimmy drops his folders I unfortunately could not time myself correctly to see the folders mid-air. To resolve this problem I changed my camera settings to ‘sports’ which takes a number of pictures which just one click, this meant that I had the whole action and now means I have a range of pictures to choose from.  

Below is an example shot:

Although in this picture the actors are blurry I think that it works well as it looks as though Jerome is using his full force and shows he doesn’t care for Jimmy. It also shows the high action of the scene.

Furthermore, I also took pictures of Burdine and Jerome laughing as they walk away from Jimmy, this shows their lack of sympathy for him which is good because it clearly shows the audience their personalities.

When starting the other scene I had a minor problem with the lighting as it was either too light that the actors looked very pale or it was too dark that they looked orange and the image was very dull. To resolve this problem I messed around with the common room lights and also my camera settings. Luckily, I had a fellow student who knew how to work the camera I was using. For this shoot I used the ‘full auto’ image so that the lighting and image looked natural. 

I took the pictures from a variety of angles, for example:
  • From the side
  • A long shot from the front
  • A mid shot from the front
  • A close up for a low angle to show Jimmy’s passion for Burdine

I am very happy with the pictures I got today and will now continue editing my final piece.

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